Ticker for September 9, 2022

September 9, 2022 September 9, 2022 September 9, 2022 September 9, 2022


Somebody asked me why I keep picking on the pumpkin spice phenomenon, and my
my answer is...these people must be stopped, right along with the Christmas
in September sale displays, car warranty phone calls, and Vienna Sausages.

Why Vienna Sausages? You shouldn't even have to ask.

However, our cold front and our pumpkin spice latte (if you must) weather is still
on course for passage through the state Saturday into Sunday, and things are
looking good, especially for NW OK where they might not escape the 60s on
Saturday thanks to clouds and hopefully rain, and I will not type another phrase
just to use another comma, because I was told to separate my thoughts into smaller
sentences, and so I do try and do that, because long drawn out sentences are
really annoying, and...THANK GOODNESS FOR AN ELLIPSIS!

And enjoy it whilst you can, because the heat returns early next week and
sticks around for another couple (at least).

There are some model runs trying to bring a bigtime storm system in here
somewhere in that time frame, but again, that's in fantasy-cast range. We
do need the rain, and we will probably DESPERATELY need the rain by the time
we get there in a couple of weeks.

For now, just desperately drink your pumpkin spice concoctions while it's
temperature appropriate. Whether it's EVER appropriate is another story.

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

September 9 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 100°F TIPT 2016
Minimum Temperature 33°F KENT 2020
Maximum Rainfall 8.09″ SALL 2010

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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If you're a bit off, don't worry, because just like horseshoes, “almost” counts on the Ticker website!