Ticker for January 26, 2022

January 26, 2022 January 26, 2022 January 26, 2022 January 26, 2022


Okay, so some of you have already had snow, but what does that have to do with
me myself and I, the entire Ticker staff? Okay part 2, I've also had snow. No, not
real snow, just some frozen white thingies that blew around in the wind on New
Year's Day. And now, central Oklahoma is being forecast with amounts of...checks
notes...UP TO AN INCH!

(Fanfare plays, confetti shoots in the air, exit stage right).

Right, we're very desperate for just about any sort of meteorological happening
right now (as long as it doesn't cause any problems, and when have you ever known
weather to cause problems in Oklahoma? Ahem!). So even the possibility of an
inch of snow causes the old adrenaline to get pumping. West central Oklahoma looks
as if it could get some banding of snow, meaning one of those areas of enhanced
precip over the same location for awhile, bringing possible totals out that way
of up to 3-4 inches? I say that with a question mark because it is a question
mark remark. I suspect the demarcation line between some decent snow and just
some frozen white thingies flying around will be pretty sharp. But, even though
we're within 12 hours of this event...heck, we're in it already, there is still
some wiggle room. Here's how our NWS friends see the day playing out.

And we have a winter weather advisory for the SW corner of the state, bleeding
a bit up into west central OK.

Here is the current radar. This should fill in more later on this afternoon.

So pardon us for our excitement. When drought is your main hazardous weather
responsibility (AND WE HAVE PLENTY OF THAT!)...a bit of frozen white stuff can
be a welcome change. We'd love a lot of unfrozen white stuff. In proper amounts,
of course.

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

January 26 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 81°F MANG 2015
Minimum Temperature 4°F BUFF 2004
Maximum Rainfall 3.45″ CLAY 1994

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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