Ticker for July 14, 2016

July 14, 2016 July 14, 2016 July 14, 2016 July 14, 2016


If there's something dry
In your neighborhood (or state, or climatological region)
Who you gonna call?
A stalled cold front and a few outflow boundaries, the chance for severe weather
and the possibility of heavy rain!!

Man, if I produced that song's rewrite I'd make a million dollars! But I won't
since the Ghostbusters folks would probably sue me. Okay, maybe not. But with
drought STILL hanging around and even spreading, as evidenced by the new Drought
Monitor map this morning

and with the dreaded DEATH RIDGE HEAT DOME APOKYKLYPSE (trademarked!) coming
next week

we really need this front to come through in a sorta big way. Enough to tamp down
the drought's spread, maybe even knock it out, but not give us any significant
flooding. I'm sure it will happen that way...Mother Nature usually doesn't throw
us any curveballs (sarcasm intended). Here's that 3-day rainfall forecast map
again but a bit bigger. Central OK could used a good 2-3 inches of rain right
about now, or tonight, or tomorrow.

And with the stalled front and outflow boundaries will come the chance of
severe weather, especially across northern Oklahoma.

What we're talking about here is Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty
years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...the dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Mother pus bucket, really?!? No, not really. There will be the chance of some
hail, wind and flooding. Tornado threat is so low it's not worth mentioning,
but it's Oklahoma so I will anyway. Very low chance of tornadoes.

But with a continued chance of rain and that front having moved a bit further
through the state, Friday looks good.

Next week and beyond...not so much. Where do these temperatures go?


Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
(405) 325-2253

July 14 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 113°F HOLL 2020
Minimum Temperature 54°F EVAX 2019
Maximum Rainfall 5.63″ COOK 2023

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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