Ticker for June 27, 2002

June 27, 2002 June 27, 2002 June 27, 2002 June 27, 2002

Mesonet 2002 International Institute Wraps Up

The entire Ticker staff returned to Norman today, fresh from a three-day
institute in Oklahoma City. Mesonet 2002: An International Institute
hosted by the Oklahoma Mesonet, was designed to give a comprehensive
overview on building and maintaining a mesonetwork.

More than 140 participants from four continents, including half of the
states and provinces of the U.S. and Canada, attended the Institute.
Visitors came to Oklahoma to learn about current technologies, research
and outreach programs that can benefit their planned or developing
networks. Some notable speakers and atendees included Dr. Rick Anthes,
the president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
Oklahoma State Senators Cal Hobson and Jonathan Nichols, Dr. Jeff Kimpel,
director of the National Severe Storms Laboratory, and former Oklahoma
Governor and U.S. Senator Henry Bellmon.

The Institute put an exclamation point on Oklahoma's investment in an
internationally-recognized research platform. Kudos to the Oklahoma
Mesonet team, whose continued drive through new frontiers of success
enable such a prestigous and successful international gathering.

Ticker on Hold Until Monday

Temperatures in the temporarily non-air-conditioned Ticker headquarters
have edged into the 90s, so the Ticker Staff will be away tomorrow.
We'll return Monday, when the Ticker Building has returned to a more
temperate state.

June 27 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 112°F BUFF 2012
Minimum Temperature 50°F COOK 2003
Maximum Rainfall 4.21″ KING 2007

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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