Ticker for April 25, 2023

April 25, 2023 April 25, 2023 April 25, 2023 April 25, 2023

It's raining right now for crying out loud!

I barely have time to Tick today but I just had to Tock about this awesomely
crappy weather. Or is it crappily awesome? Either one will get you a stern look
in Mrs. McGillicutty's 8th Grade English class. At any rate, I managed to stitch
together--rather roughly, I might add--the rain forecasts from our friends at the
Tulsa and Norman NWS offices (although when they see that Frankenstein rain
forecast pic, they might break up with us). Hey, I did the best I could with the
24-count Crayon box the State of Oklahoma gives me!

64-count?? What do you think this is, Texas!?!

And let me just say: "Rain forecast? It's raining right now for crying out loud!"

And it HAS rained.

Looks like we have some quarter-to-half-inch amounts scattered about thus far,
but expect those to spread and grow over the next 3 days as the waves of rain
continue to wash over us. We have just now begun to tap into the better moisture
return from the Gulf of Mexico at the surface and above, so we have a ways to

And it IS spring, so we can't expect to go completely unscathed. We have a risk
or severe weather today across southern OK, and all hazards are possible. The
tornado risk is low, but it ain't zero.

There will also be a risk tomorrow, but we'll revisit that, uhhhhhh, tomorrow.

But enjoy this awesomely crappy weather, and the first real dose of rain for
more than half of the state in quite some time.

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

April 25 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 105°F ERIC 2012
Minimum Temperature 28°F BURN 2013
Maximum Rainfall 4.84″ MEDF 2009

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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If you're a bit off, don't worry, because just like horseshoes, “almost” counts on the Ticker website!