Ticker for February 6, 2023

February 6, 2023 February 6, 2023 February 6, 2023 February 6, 2023

What I want for February

I defy anyone...ANYONE, to try and convince me that the weather the past couple of
days is worse than what we saw last week. You know. Winter! I don't think
today will top yesterday, thanks to adding strong winds to the mix, but I like
the cut of today's jib (and we all know how painful that can be). But that
yesterday, though!

So yesterday was Mar=bruary (would have gone the other way, but the Urban
Dictionary says "don't!") with highs in the 60s. Very March-like. Today, add a few
degrees and lots of wind, and we're into Ap-ruary. That wind though!

Ahhh, so it's February, warm, and windy...that must mean a storm system is coming.
Not always, but generally speaking, when we see those Southerly winds kick up
like today's gonna see, there's probably a storm system approaching. That's
exactly the case, and in THIS case, it means rain for a lot of us, but
unfortunately not all of us. Rain starts tonight across the eastern half of the
state or so, then continues through Wednesday off and on. Maybe a bit of snow
here and there mixed in Tuesday night and Wednesday morning up in NW OK.
However, for the most part, NW OK stays on the lower end of the precip totals.

That's really bad news for the Panhandle, which is still 5+ months waiting for
a quarter-inch of rain in a single day, and near that for a tenth!

It will rain out there again, it always does. Just not sure what year. Maybe a
bit of snow tomorrow?

At any rate, our spring weather is quickly coming to an end for awhile.

We get a front tonight, then another front on Thursday. Other than that, fairly
boring winter weather without the Arctic air. The polar jet stream has flown
North for awhile, it appears.

Good place for it, too.

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

February 6 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 84°F BEAV 2009
Minimum Temperature 0°F CAMA 2014
Maximum Rainfall 2.59″ PRES 1999

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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