Ticker for August 16, 2022

August 16, 2022 August 16, 2022 August 16, 2022 August 16, 2022

No accidents

Yes, from the author of "Hot Days and How To Love Them," "Winter is From Mars,
Summer is From Mercury," and "Harry Potter and the Too High Electric Bill" comes
Mother Nature's latest classic: "Of Mice and Drought and Floods." So we go from
almost no rain over the last 66 days in parts of the state

to the possible upcoming dangers of excessive rainfalls directly after drought,
when the ground is baked hard and water tends to just run off into flash flood

Ya see, the front that is approaching the state now and has entered the Panhandle
isn't going to do much except cool us down (like that's not enough!) and maybe
bring some showers and storms to the northern half of the state today and the
southern half of the state tomorrow (like that's not enough!).

No, it's the three or four successive fronts that are being forecast for the
next couple of weeks that appear to drive a nail into the coffin of our summer
heat wave and possibly do deadly damage to our runaway flash drought. So not
only are we looking at some widespread rain and relief this weekend into early
next week, but this mild and wet spell should extend well into next week and
possibly beyond.

So one last REALLY hot day today in this REALLY HOT summer before we cool down
for a couple of days, see a couple of merely "hot" days to end the week, then
see successive cold fronts every few days that knock the summer heat back a
peg or three.

And remember what I always say: "I asked for CHERRY Pop Tarts!"

No, not that one...this one: "There are no bad forecasts, just happy little

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

August 16 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 108°F MANG 2024
Minimum Temperature 53°F BRIS 2016
Maximum Rainfall 3.48″ KENT 2010

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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