Ticker for March 14, 2001

March 14, 2001 March 14, 2001 March 14, 2001 March 14, 2001

OCS Launches New and Improved Monthly Summary

The Oklahoma Monthly Climate Summary is an OCS publication that
details the weather events in the previous month, compares last
month to Oklahoma's normals, and describes what you might expect
in the month ahead. OCS has revised the look of this publication
and now will release it online. Next month you will find the
February 2001 summary under Data and Products: Climate of
Oklahoma: Monthly Summaries. This month you can simply download
the January summary in PDF format off of the main OCS web page.

March 14 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 90°F WAUR 2002
Minimum Temperature 10°F HOOK 1999
Maximum Rainfall 2.45″ BYAR 2020

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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