Ticker for June 4, 1999

June 4, 1999 June 4, 1999 June 4, 1999 June 4, 1999

Spring 1999 Slightly Cooler than Normal

The climatological spring (March-May) of 1999 was slightly cooler than
normal for most of the state. The exceptions to this statement came
in the panhandle climate division, which was significantly cooler than
normal, and the southeast, which was slightly warmer than normal.

Climate Mean March-May Temp (F) Rank of 105 Coolest Warmest
Division 1999 Norm Departure 1st=warmest on record on record

Panhandle 53.8 55.4 -1.6 70th 49.4 1915 59.5 1963
N. Central 56.8 57.9 -1.1 64th 52.8 1924 61.6 1963
Northeast 57.8 58.7 -0.9 59th 53.6 1924 61.7 1977

W. Central 57.8 58.1 -0.3 55th 53.0 1915 61.9 1963
Central 58.9 59.6 -0.7 55th 54.5 1924 63.1 1974
E. Central 59.4 60.2 -0.8 58th 55.1 1931 63.7 1974

Southwest 59.9 60.7 -0.8 50th 55.2 1915 64.4 1963
S. Central 61.1 61.5 -0.4 54th 56.5 1931 65.0 1974
Southeast 61.0 60.8 +0.2 45th 56.8 1924 64.2 1938

Statewide 58.4 59.2 -0.8 57th 54.3 1924 62.5 1963

June 4 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 107°F GRA2 2014
Minimum Temperature 45°F BOIS 2009
Maximum Rainfall 8.23″ GRAN 1995

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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