Ticker for March 4, 1999
March 4, 1999 March 4, 1999 March 4, 1999 March 4, 1999
February 1999 Appears to be State's 4th Warmest on Record
This February was the 4th warmest on record, according to preliminary
temperature data. It ranks just behind the second months of 1954,
1976 and 1930. Each of the state's nine climate divisions was seven
to nine degrees Fahrenheit above its normal February temperature.
Climate Average Feb Temp Rank Warmest Warmest February on
Division 1999 Normal of 105 Since Record (since 1895)
Panhandle 45.1 F 37.3 F 4th 1991 1954 (47.5 F)
N. Central 47.7 F 38.2 F 4th 1976 1954 (49.6 F)
Northeast 48.4 F 39.1 F 4th 1976 1976 (49.8 F)
W. Central 49.0 F 39.4 F 4th 1976 1954 (51.0 F)
Central 50.0 F 40.6 F 4th 1976 1976 (51.6 F)
E. Central 50.4 F 41.6 F 3rd 1976 1976 (52.1 F)
Southwest 50.4 F 42.0 F 4th 1976 1954 (52.5 F)
S. Central 52.2 F 43.5 F 4th 1976 1976 (53.6 F)
Southeast 51.5 F 43.4 F 6th 1976 1976 (52.6 F)
Statewide 49.4 F 40.5 F 4th 1976 1954 (50.7 F)
March 4 in Mesonet History
Record | Value | Station | Year |
Maximum Temperature | 91°F | HOLL | 2009 |
Minimum Temperature | -5°F | VINI | 2002 |
Maximum Rainfall | 5.31″ | KING | 2004 |
Mesonet records begin in 1994.
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