Ticker for February 19, 1999

February 19, 1999 February 19, 1999 February 19, 1999 February 19, 1999

Alfalfa Weevil Model Indicates Early Pest Season

The very mild conditions most of this winter have cleared the way for
an early hatch of alfalfa weevil eggs this year. A report by OSU
Extension Entomologist Phil Mulder, along with data from the
Oklahoma Alfalfa Weevil Model
( http://agweather.mesonet.org/models/alfalfa/alfalfa.html ),
suggests that this year's hatch may be the earliest since 1986 for
the vast majority of the state. Indeed, alfalfa weevil damage is
already evident in the state.

The news isn't all bad, though. Egg populations appear to be down
in February, compared to January, for a majority of locations.

The entire report by Mulder and IPM Extension Associate Kevin Shelton
is available at the Oklahoma Ag and Fire Weather Message Board:


February 19 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 81°F ALTU 2004
Minimum Temperature -8°F CHIC 2021
Maximum Rainfall 2.94″ BURN 1997

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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