MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... September 22, 2015 September 22, 2015 September 22, 2015 September 22, 2015
A Hurricane in Boise City?
Not quite, but Tropical Depression 16-E, or what USED to be Tropical Depression 16-E, is still expected to bring some fairly good moisture to the Oklahoma Panhandle (and parts to and fro).
It never did look like much as it was broken up due to a quick landfall, and has now dissipated a bit earlier than expected.
But the "energy" associated with the system (I hear you meteorologists cringing) is still there, at least enough to generate rainfall from the Desert Southwest up through the Northern Plains. In fact, the first wave is about to move into the Panhandle as we type.
There will also be some moisture chances included in that 7-day rainfall forecast from a frontal system later in the week. That will also spread rain chances a little farther to the SE (but not great chances). After that, we once again enter the early fall doldrums that can sometimes plague the Southern Plains in late September. Today should be the hottest day this week, however.
Here are some graphics from our friends at the NWS offices to help us out.
And let's not forget that autumn will fall (yep, I just did that!) on tomorrow. If you want to get silly and go outside and bark at the moon at the exact time, well, set the alarm for 3:22am. Here's a graphic from the Shreveport NWS office that gives us a nice science lesson on the Autumnal Equinox.
A final note, climatologists and meteorologists alike keep "fall" records based on the Sept. 1-Nov. 30 time frame, since the actual dates for the seasons are moving windows (i.e., it's hard to keep track and rank historical records when the dates are different from year to year).
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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