MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... November 29, 2018 November 29, 2018 November 29, 2018 November 29, 2018
The Droughtinator
Calm down, Arnold! It's not bad just yet. But that percentage of normal rainfall map from the last 30 days is not looking pretty at all (even if you are an OU or OSU fan, those reds and oranges spell trouble). Most places have barely even seen rain at all, an inch or two down for the period.
It gets a bit different when you go out to the beginning of fall. Remember, climatological fall ends tomorrow after starting on Sept. 1. On those maps, some pretty good moisture shows up for most of the state. That
But it's the northeast where the trouble lies, and that even extends over into north central Oklahoma where those Sept. 1-Nov. 28 surpluses are getting close to zero. The new U.S. Drought Monitor map doesn't show a lot more drought, but it DOES have a big increase of the "Abnormally Dry -- D0) category. While not actually a drought category itself, it indicates areas either headed towards or coming out of drought. Definitely the former in this case. The 1-week change map shows that big increase from 8% to 18% in D0 or D1. Luckily, the moderate drought (D1) only increased about 1%.
We do have a chance for rain coming up tomorrow, along with a chance for severe weather. Let's hope it's more rain and less severe.
And then we have a chance for a bit of snow early next week. Nothing to get too excited about right now, but it's there. The usual suspects -- NW OK and the Panhandle -- have the best chance for some light accumulations (at least as of now).
There's just not a lot of moisture there to work with.
So we have the drought in NE OK intensifying and possibly spreading to the west and southwest into north central and central Oklahoma. I really thought we would have wiped out that remaining drought by now, but it looks like we may be going backwards.
Sorry Arnold, maybe we'll tell it "Hasta la vista, baby" soon.
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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