MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... March 27, 2023 March 27, 2023 March 27, 2023 March 27, 2023
Great Scott!
It all looked so much better last week. No, not my view in the mirror, I'm talking this week's storm system for Thursday-and-maybe-Friday. Now it looks like it's a late-Thursday-early-Friday storm with questionable moisture and timing. However, to look for the silver lining, at least the severe threat seems to have diminished considerably, at least according to those smarter than me (which is basically 99.99% of the population. Hey, I'm proud to be in the 1% (see, I told ya...math required to get joke).
Now the good news is this Ticker is almost finished and you can quit reading soon. Even BETTER news is with the severe threat diminished, maybe less worry going into those two days. However, the bad news is in springtime, less severe weather chances in Oklahoma generally means less of a rain chance, since we take the good with the bad (You take them both and there you have the facts of life... the facts of life...youngsters, google it). However, late-March, storm system coming in, still getting freezes keeping the green up down and also drought in place across the NW half of the state...that generally leads to lots of warmth, wind, and dry air. So Friday could be a doozy of a day with strong W-SW winds and low humidity.
That's right, fire danger. And don't be shocked if we see a pretty substantial dust storm move across the state. Lots of bare soil still looking for some vegetation to our west.
Even though we had a pretty good freeze up north this morning, and expect another one tomorrow, temperatures are starting to rise along with the spring season accordingly.
So each successive week our "below-normal" temperature weather gets a bit higher, and our "above normal" temperatures get closer to those 90s. It's inevitable. We once again turn to our Canadian friends for a look at our chances of a freeze as we go through the next couple of weeks. Those hoseheads show us that across the NW half of the state, it's virtually certain, but across the SE half of the state, getting less and less probable.
NOW watch us have a bigtime severe weather day Thursday or Friday, and a hard freeze mid-April. Just don't blame it on me! I faded years ago.
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey
The OCS/Mesonet Ticker
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