MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... January 24, 2019 January 24, 2019 January 24, 2019 January 24, 2019
Herb, somebody's going to get cold!
We don't play much hockey in Oklahoma. You probably could have, back in the 1970s and some of the 80s, back when it used to get REALLY cold for a REALLY long time, enough to freeze those ponds hard (and stock tanks, if you were lucky enough to take your axe to those a good part of the winter back then). Heck, I remember my friends and I skating (with shoes, no skates, which meant "sliding") along on Buffalo Crick (Creek for you Northerners) for miles with nary a crack on the ice. Now we just don't get cold and stay cold long enough. You'd fall through the ice. Of course, with as much drought as we've seen lately, you'd probably just get wet up to your knees. Not this year, though. Still showing some enormous moisture totals for the last 30-60 days, despite the recent dry spell.
Since Christmas Day, the 3rd wettest statewide average precip total since at least 1921. For NC and WC Oklahoma, THE wettest. But everybody has gotten in on the top-10 rankings. And that keeps us clear on the U.S. Drought Monitor map! There is some minor drought areas close by, but nothing to worry about for us just yet.
Nope, we're stuck in something of a boring weather pattern with these intermittent-but-strong cold fronts, which we'll see later today. Best tie some string around your sleeves and pantlegs, because here in a bit it's gonna be colder than a brass toilet seat in the Panhandle. Here are some lovely previews for later today from our NWS friends.
Take heart...this is yet another glancing blow as that cold air sinks into the eastern half of the country. We get another of those back-door cold fronts, from the NE instead of the N-NW. And then we warm up again. And then we get another strong cold front. Rinse and repeat.
Very little in the way of moisture to work with as each of these fronts scours the atmosphere right back down to the Gulf with no return flow for the next front.
SOMEDAY, it will get exciting. Not today, nor tomorrow, nor much of next week.
Do you believe in miracles? No, but I do believe in summer. Waiting...waiting...
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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