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. . . Ticker for October 23, 2018 . . .
October 23, 2018 October 23, 2018 October 23, 2018 October 23, 2018

Let's be pacific here


That's a pretty good look at the upcoming scenario for the Southern Plains over
the next few days, with pacific hurricane Willa about to blast onto the Mexican
coast and then travel through south Texas, merging with that upper-level trough
coming in from the west. Before that all happens, it's moisture will continue
to get pulled up over our region, saturating the upper- and mid-levels with
moisture, combining with just enough low level moisture to give the area some
rain. A little bit Tuesday, but better chances overnight into Wednesday. Remember,
the mountainous regions wreak havoc on those pacific hurricanes as they travel
to the northeast, and they squeeze out most of the low level moisture as well.
But when those remnants and the upper-level moisture emerge in the lee of those
mountains, it can then go to work in the Southern Plains. Those remnants are
forecast to well to out south, so not much help there.


Here's an impressive view of Willa, courtesy of the GOES16 water vapor channel
(only slightly more exciting than the Travel Channel).


While we're not going to get the direct effects of Willa's remnants, we will
still get some of that upper-level moisture support to help up our rain totals
just a little bit. Pretty paltry totals, however, as Texas and the Gulf Coast
gets the lion's share of the rain.


After that bit of faux excitement, back to "lovely fall weather," as some like
to call it. I call lovely fall weather 85 degrees with southerly winds, but
that's just me! We do need the rain. After all, it's been three whole days
since we've gotten any!


Possible changes next week? Aren't there always?

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
(405) 325-2253
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