MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... December 6, 2018 December 6, 2018 December 6, 2018 December 6, 2018
Make your peace!
My fellow Oklahomans, by the time you read this Ticker, the ICEMAGEDDON storm will be (checks notes), well, still over a day away as it turns out. So I guess you still have time to get to the store today, tomorrow morning, and much of tommorrow afternoon? The storm slowed down a bit, and the models are still having trouble figuring out what the surface temps will be as we go through the day tomorrow. Obviously, that will make a huge difference in whether you see freezing rain or just a miserably cold rain. Apparently, with the precipitation holding off until a bit later tomorrow, that means less cooling due to the wet bulb effect (i.e., precip evaporating, which is a cooling process, aiding in pushing the temperatures below freezing). So that's good news I reckon. Doesn't mean we're not going to still get hammered either (by snow...those of you headed for the spirits, that's up to you). We still have a winter storm for the northwestern 2/3rds of the state (save for the western Panhandle...which is why they get a 4 on the BRAUM'S EMERGENCY DEF-CON METER).
Most of the state gets a big fat 1 thanks to the threat of extreme snow and ice amounts, with the addition of the remaining uncertainty of where those impacts are going to be greatest. So we're shotgunning the threat levels. Here's are the updated maps from your friendly local NWS offices.
The cold front that is giving us this misery (joy??) is passing through NW OK as we Tick. And pardon my German, but it's about to get frigging cold.
With even colder air poised to rush down our way.
As we've cautioned many times, the forecast can and probably WILL change as we get closer to the event. For better or worse. Obviously, this storm is going to bring high impacts regardless of the fine-tuning from here on out. We don't usually get big winter storms like this with such a large footprint of hazardous impacts, at least this early in the season. It rivals the Dec. 2-4, 1971, and Dec. 1-3, 2006, storms.
Stay calm, stay safe, and hunker down this weekend!
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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