MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019
Yes, we could talk about the impending rain that we're expecting later today into Friday (and we will in a bit), but first, let's talk about something near and dear to our heart. Summer. And yes, it IS officially summer, because a climatologist is writing this, and climatological summer starts June 1. And it's not like it has been cold, but it hasn't really gotten hot either. Heck, we've barely had 90s this year!
Thank goodness for my beloved northwest Oklahoma or this map would look a lot more forlorn. And forget about the 100s map. It should just go home.
Where are ya, Altus? Nothing, Buffalo? Heck, I expected more from you, Tipton! Now you may be asking yourself "But Gary, it's only early June, why do you want 100s already?" Well first, if your name isn't Gary, you should probably call one of those hotlines. And third (never accept second place), it's not that I necessarily WANT 100s, but I would like a good blast furnace hot day instead of these muggy "it feels hot but also feels damp" days we've seen lately. Yesterday is a good example. We had highs in the 80s. Even had 90s the last couple of days in Kingfisher, good enough to put a pimple on the map.
But alas, it was indeed a wet heat. Some of us Panhandle types kinda favor that dry heat, then a nice cool down as the sun sinks from the sky. Check out the actual air temperatures from yesterday, then the heat index values.
Yech! (Russian for "Yuck!").
I guess I should be careful what I wish for. When the "death ridge" does set up over the Southern Plains, and that heat dome starts to work on all this water around here, it's gonna be like living inside of a pressure cooker.
And let's not talk about the mosquitoes. All this rain...
Oh, and speaking of rain, prepare for more. A closed low out to our west should move our way today through Friday and give us some type of moisture, from maybe-just-a-bit to here-we-go-again-it's-flooding.
Doesn't look TOO bad, but any water on this state is too much at this point. And by the looks of that forecast, it appears pretty uncertain to me.
Anyway, not the latest we've gone without a hundred in the state. I would look that up but it might give me the heebie-jeebies. I do remember that we had 100s last April as early as the 12th.
Mangum? Altus? Buffalo? Beaver? Hello?
Very disappointed.
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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