Ticker for April 5, 2000

April 5, 2000 April 5, 2000 April 5, 2000 April 5, 2000

Break Out the Sun Screen and Put the Top Down!

The upper atmosphere over the central plains has taken a very zonal
(east-west) pattern:

(winds are parallel to the blue lines, or "isoheights")

This has encouraged strong westerly winds to plunge eastward from the
Rocky Mountains. Upon descent, this air will warm. This process
shows up in today's Mesonet observations as hot, dry air in the
Oklahoma panhandle and extreme northwestern Oklahoma.

We've even seen some heat index values register during the afternoon:

Finally, here are some afternoon highs (as of 4:30) that smell like
hot dogs on the grill:

Camargo 94 F
Alva 94 F
Woodward 93 F
Arnett 93 F
Beaver 92 F

Just a Pretty Picture

Here's a picture of snow-capped Rocky mountains for those who don't
welcome 90-degree temps with open arms:

With today's crystal clear skies, any visible satellite image in the
region is just a picture of the surface. Look up and say "cheese"!

April 5 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 95°F TIPT 2022
Minimum Temperature 21°F EVAX 2023
Maximum Rainfall 1.30″ BBOW 1999

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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