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da - DA - da-da-da - DA-da

I tried out for the Olympics, but when coach asked me to jump I replied "How low,"
and I was asked to leave. That's what I get for trying out for the Summer Olympics
luge team. Now if there was a division for scalp glare...well, you know. But we're
talking heat back here in Oklahoma. there's really not much else to talk about
except when will it end, and the answer to that is November 16. Yes, a guess, but
that's also an Olympic sport I'd excel at. And that forecast above for Friday is
actual air temperatures...add in the humidity and you get another 5-10 degrees
in some areas. Take Thursday's heat index forecast. Please.


The heat dome will wobble and stretch and flatten and allow some minor relief and
rain chances from time to time, but expect this type of weather for the next 7-10
days or so. Maybe we start to see some changes after that? Not sure if those
increased odds of milder air will make it down this way, it does signal a
pattern change of some sort.


Something to hope for I guess. Otherwise...this:


Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climate Survey
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