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Swelter Skelter


I've been called many things over my love of summer...warminista, summer sadist,
moron (and that's in my own house!), but here's the deal: I don't like humidity!
I love the feel of 103 degrees with a dewpoint of about 37, the kind of
summer day I grew up with in Buffalo. Fishing during the day was always hot, but
your body can battle that type of heat, where the heat index is actually LOWER
than the actual air temperature. It was the evenings, however, that were delicious
(yes, like a Cherry Pop-Tart). As the sun sunk lower in the sky, the dry air would
cool very efficiently, the wind drying any moisture on your skin like a free
air conditioner. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it.

It was a lot more fun fishing in it than if you were working in it, obviously. I
remember a few times bucking hay bales in triple-digit temperatures that didn't
evoke such nostalgia. But, it was that dry heat that would set such a delectable
contrast for those evenings, though.

Moving away from the High Plains and the 100th Meridian squashed many of those
evenings, but you learn to adapt. There's not much adapting to what we've seen
this week, however, and I share the palpable misery right along with you.

Check out this graph of the long-term state-wide average heat index (black line),
and what we've seen this June.


So you can see there that our heat index, at least averaged statewide (red),
has been 10-15 degrees ABOVE normal over the last week or so, peaking on the
25th at 109 degrees. That's pretty darned incredible considering that the
calculation of 109 also includes the normally dry areas of my youth in the
Panhandle and far western Oklahoma. You can also see that our heat index
normally peaks in mid-July and finally starts to drop to more comfortable levels
(like it should be in June) around mid-August.

All that to say...we have another nasty day planned for today. A dangerous day,
in fact.


Let's look towards the weekend, however, for some relief...at least for
the northern half of the state on Sunday. It won't be as hot anywhere, but
with rain in the forecast, that looks to be the best day.



But today, though. Come on, everybody sing!

Swelter Skelter

When I get to the state line, you know it’s just begun,
Swelter Skelter in the mid-day sun,
It's so hot and I'm melting, I'm feeling undone,
Swelter Skelter and it's no fun.

I'm sweating, yeah, yeah, yeah!
I'm sweltering, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Will you, won't you want me to bring you some ice?
Well, it’s Oklahoma, and the heat's not nice,
Gotta find some shade, pay any price,
Swelter Skelter, it's my advice.

I'm baking, yeah, yeah, yeah!
I'm roasting, yeah, yeah, yeah!

(Guitar solo)

Swelter Skelter, can't take it no more,
Swelter Skelter, I'm hitting the floor,
Oklahoma summer, you win this war,
Swelter Skelter, I'm out the door!

I'm melting, yeah, yeah, yeah!
I'm sweltering, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Swelter Skelter!
Swelter Skelter!
Swelter Skelter!

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey

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