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. . . Ticker for July 22, 2020 . . .
July 22, 2020 July 22, 2020 July 22, 2020 July 22, 2020

Like a rolling drought


Yeah, I *COULD* have used a more recent picture of Bob Dylan, but I knew him from
way back when I worked with him (not really). When I made music with him (not
really). I knew him BEFORE he won the Nobel Prize (not really). I also worked with
the Beatles and the Stones. Really? No, not really. But I have said all along
that to really put the kibosh on this drought, we need a tropical system to
move up and over us to really give it a whack in the head. We'll see. This could
very well end up in the "not really" category (no, really), but there is hope.
Our friends at the Amarillo NWS office who take care of our Panhandle's weather
have put together a nice graphic explaining the situation.


The possibility is there to have a remnant of some sort of tropical system
interact with an upper-level trough and set off a good round of moisture. And of
course the possibility is also there to get a whole lot of nothing. The 7-day
rain forecast is starting to pick up the possibility, at least in southern


So sometime after the Weekend (we haven't worked with him either...that one was
for the younger crowd) things should start to shape up a little more clearly.
The extended outlooks are starting to come around, too.



Truth be told we're doing lots of drought improving without tropical systems.
The trouble is we're playing whack-a-drought, getting rid of it in one part
of the state only to have it pop up in another area. So we improve in
northern Oklahoma only to have southwestern Oklahoma act up again.




So come gather 'round people, wherever you roam and admit that the waters around
you have grown. And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone...for
the times MIGHT be a-changin'.

Gary McManus
State Musicologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
(405) 325-2253
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