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. . . Ticker for August 21, 2023 . . .
August 21, 2023 August 21, 2023 August 21, 2023 August 21, 2023

Melted face anyone?


My family yesterday: "You gonna try and mow the lawn again in the heat like last

Me: "NO!"

Them: "Good, even you aren't stupid enough to try that again."

Me: "The heck if I ain't! it just hasn't grown any since last week."

HA! That'll teach 'em. Oh, I get the disrespect, but hey say it lovingly (I mean

I'm gonna say something that might shock you, especially you long-time Ticker
readers, but I'm fed up enough it needs to be said:

I'm really looking forward to the new "Roadhouse" movie. I KNOW I KNOW...nobody
can take Patrick Swayze's place. His Dalton was both a modern day philosopher
AND a buttkicker. But I'd like to see Jake Gyllenhall's take on the character,
even if I can't spell his name.

Oh, something even more shocking? I'm tired of the heat. Yes, me, the infamous
heat lover (and we all know just how painful that can be), fed up, exasperated,
tired, worn out, with this heat. Remember how Hannibal Lecter yearned for a
view? Well, I yearn for a cold front (no cannibalism required, although I am
willing to learn). Doesn't have to be a biggie, just something to bring us back
down to normal. And no humidity, please.

For the second time in a week, our Mesonet site at Oilton has broken the network
record maximum dewpoint, uhhhhh, record, with an 84.81 yesterday, just 7 days
after it had broken it the first time with an 84.61.


And that nasty soup helped give us TWO sites with a 125 heat index yesterday, at
Okmulgee and Webbers Falls.


And if the heat index didn't get ya, the actual air temps did.


Didya know that Grandfield tied the all-time highest temperature ever recorded
in the state for the dates of Aug. 17 (114F) and Aug. 18 (112F)? And didya know
we should be on the lookout for the same thing today? 112F is the value to beat
from Mangum back in 1984.



Consider this weather cemented in at least through Saturday when we MIGHT get
a cold front in here that brings us down to normal'ish heat.


Here's the deal though...that might not happen. It COULD happen, but when I went
to go through the models to see if there was any difference in the air behind
it, some of them didn't have it coming through our area, getting shut down
just to our north. So for now, let's say this is a lot like an emergency bathroom
visit after eating Taco Bell...probable but not definite.

Rain? No. Just no. In fact (maybe fiction), we might not have significant rain
chances through the first week of September. Good chances of above normal
temperatures, though.



Our flash drought continues to intensify across southern Oklahoma.





I wonder if it's cool on Anthrax Island today?

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
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