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May continues


As the title suggests, if you eat lots of strawberry Pop-Tarts, death will come
early for...oh wait, that's for something else I was writing. Oh yeah, as the
title suggests, May continues to do May things. Hey, did you know that we are up
to 69 tornadoes already for 2024?

Well aren't you smart!

With the addition of an EF0 tornado that struck near Luther early yesterday
morning, that gives us

* 2 for March
*49 for April
*18 for May (thus far)

Nobody expected a tornado yesterday, but anytime it's May in Oklahoma and there
are severe thunderstorms around, well...you know. May. There are no "outbreak"
days showing up in the next few days, but we do see Marginal risks for storms
each of the next 3.




Marginal can be deceiving. I should know because that word describes me pretty

"Marginal" intelligence.
"Marginal" hair.
"Marginul" speling and gramer.

However, much like me, being marginal doesn't preclude fits of acting out and
petulant behavior. So we gotta stay weather aware for the next few days. Today's
threat isn't much at all, but tomorrow evening into the overnight hours on
Thursday appear to be the most "petulant" weather chances. And it could be
upgraded to "slight" risk by then as well.

Other than that, watch for us to add more rain to an already rainy May map.


Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
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