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December 13, 2016 December 13, 2016 December 13, 2016 December 13, 2016

Cold Wars: Revenge of the Winter


And THAT'S the weak front! And I know cold fronts. I made the Buffalo run in 12
parsecs (yeah yeah, I know!). Those are the wind chills, these are the actual
air temps.


Both add up to misery for me, wonderment to some, indifference to others. The
latter two categories are lucky. Those like me are unlucky because there will be
a reinforcing shot of cold air behind a stronger front tomorrow, then probably
the coldest air we've seen in a couple of years for the weekend.


Does that look fun to you, Claude??? I thought so!

(Editor's note: Only experienced maniacs should mix up "Star Wars" and "Vacation"

We'll always have Friday ("Casablanca" too? Okay, time to quit.)


Still very little chance of significant moisture showing up at this time, at
least in the next 7 days.


Maybe something will develop after that, but again, looks dry for the most part
this week. But remember, all it takes to ruin your day during weather like
this is a little bit of freezing drizzle, so stay tuned to your favorite weather
source so you won't be caught unawares.

May the summer be with you. Always.

And yes, I'm excited about the Star Wars movie this weekend.

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
(405) 325-2253

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