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Winter's march


To quote Hudson from "Aliens": "EXPRESS ELEVATOR TO (WINTER)...GOING DOWN!"
Except he didn't say "winter." And just like with Hudson in the movie, things
end poorly for us (i.e., we end up in winter). But that Mesonet long-term avg.
graph isn't how it actually works around here. Generally we stay about 106 until
October 3, then we hit 28 on October 4, go back up to 93 until sometime in
November, then we have 2 days of winter in December, and then tornadoes.

Now coincidentally, we've scheduled our day with low humidity for Sept. 23 this
year, so put that on your calendar. I'll try to get you the 3 days left this year
when the winds will be below 30 mph as well.

In other words, climate is the script, but the actual day-to-day weather is
Mother Nature's ad libs. This is what ACTUALLY happened with high temps so
far this summer.


I'm not gonna annotate these, but here you can see how our humidity starts to
plummet along with the temperatures through the rest of the year (this portion of
the Ticker brought to you by ChapStick), and as the jet stream starts to dip
back down to our neck of the woods and we start to get those marauding cold fronts,
the avg. wind speeds start to pick back up. Just in time for wind chill madness!



But for us, for now, for awhile, for posterity, for your weather pleasure, just
plain old hot and humid summer weather, give or take a severe storm or two. Not
much variation, at least not yet. Maybe getting a tad cooler, but still
seasonably hot.






Not much rain on tap, but that will change eventually.


Ticker over, man. TICKER OVER!

Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
(405) 325-2253
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