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I mowed the lawn yesterday with a heat index of 105 degrees on the off-chance it
might rain last night. My first mistake was trying to mow with a heat index instead
of a mower, but that's not important right now. What's important is that it DIDN'T
rain, and if I had waited until this morning I would have had a much more
favorable experience in delicious fall-like air. But that's okay. I keep hearing
folks say this is very September-ish, but highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s?


Sorry (not really), but that's October here in Oklahoma. Not everybody will get
70s and 50s, but for the 80s and 60s crowd, enjoy it all the same. Here's how I
see myself handling it: after today's highs in the 80s, I'll proclaim it too cold
and wish for summer to come back.


Of course, it's still August, and summer still run Bartertown, but we might as
well break up the monotony with a bit of a fall preview. And the rain...we
definitely need that. Over 3 inches fell in Cheyenne today already, and heck,
it's raining right now for crying out loud!




Well that's it. Nothing to do now but put on a jacket, go outside and watch
as the leaves turn color as we enjoy Augtober.

Well Halloween stuff is already in the stores, ain't it?


Gary McManus
State Climatologist
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climate Survey
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