MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023
Hey, I was told there would be no math involved...just looking at clouds and stuff! And even though we just had 1 trillion, 214 billion, 581 million, 744 thousand, 802 gallons (approximately, going by gauge depths) of rain fall on Oklahoma in the last 30 days, I know not everybody will be satisfied.
Because of this.
So the haves and have-nots that we saw a scant two months ago have somewhat switched sides. And the have-nottieness (which is much better than have-naughtiness) gets even worse out to 60 days (as does the trillions of gallons of water.
And that's why if you're the official drought-tracker for the state of Oklahoma you're both A) incredibly handsome (I HEARD THAT!), and 2) seemingly ALWAYS busy. You know the refrain...if eastern Oklahoma doesn't get significant rainfall in the next couple of weeks before we enter summer, well, it won't be pretty. And while there are some rain chances this week, they're not widespread like we've seen out west the last couple of weeks, anywhere in the state.
Nor are we looking at any radical change in the temperatures, which remain close to seasonal norms for this time of year.
And there's still no sign of big heat showing up anytime soon. Just more rainy weather, and more than likely mild.
So watch for those rain chances this week, very much in the summer-like storm mode. They're liable to build right over ya, rain 2 inches not moving, and then do it all over again once that storm dies down.
The Ticker's off for the next couple of days (yeah yeah yeah, we've already told that joke before you can..."Isn't the Ticker always off? Just a little?") So enjoy our continued spring, which is very non-springy for Oklahoma in that it is very springy.
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Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey
The OCS/Mesonet Ticker
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