Mesonet Ticker for January 9, 2025

January 9, 2025 January 9, 2025 January 9, 2025 January 9, 2025



Hmm, over it is, yes, but the shouting remains, it does. Yesterday, remember it,
do you? Truly, remember it well, you must, for blacked out drunk, I was! No,
no, not on whiskey, but on power drunk was I—yes, the power of the Ticker! An
ANTI-JINX, it became, hmmm. Up, the snow totals went, higher than before!
Powerful, the ways of the forecast are.

Now, drunk on chocolate milk, am I. Another story, that is. This morning, 2 or
3 already, have I consumed. Trouble, seeking I am. And snow, much snow.

Snowing, it is! For crying out loud, exclaim I must! Sleeting, too (cry out
loud again, I will).

Belabor the point, I will not. A good band name, “Belabor the Point,” it was,
back in climatology school. But repeat, I must: Evolving, the snow total
forecast is. Continue to evolve, it shall, over the next 24 hours. Less than
forecast, some will receive. But others? Stuck under heavier snow bands, more
they will get. Fuzzy, the boundaries are. Surprised, you should not be.

Now is not the time to Tick. Nor Tock. To your local NWS Office or favorite
media source, tune in, you must. Up to date, they will keep you. More school
closures, there will be, hmmm? Driving conditions? Downhill they go, later
today, certain this is.

Ah, but as a youngling, harder it was! Uphill both ways, our driving conditions
went, yes!

With you, may the snow be, always.

Gary McManus, I am
State Climatologist, my title is
Oklahoma Mesonet, my domain
Oklahoma Climate Survey, my ally, contact me, you must

January 11 in Mesonet History

Record Value Station Year
Maximum Temperature 85°F BURN 2023
Minimum Temperature -8°F HOOK 2011
Maximum Rainfall 2.07″ BBOW 1998

Mesonet records begin in 1994.

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