MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... MESONET TICKER ... April 21, 2021 April 21, 2021 April 21, 2021 April 21, 2021
What in the wild wild wild world of sports is a'going on here?? More record-breaking lows overnight as much of Oklahoma suffered a HARD freeze, and for a much more extended period of time than what we wanted. I tried to capture the "consecutive hours" map at its peak, but some stations had already fallen off. But you can see that there will probably be implications for agriculture and the urban farmer alike with the duration of these freezing temps.
I've also captured the hours below freezing (not necessarily consecutive) since 9 p.m. last night at several different temperature extremes.
Keep in mind these are just the temps at the Mesonet sites. Geographical differences in between sites can mean the difference between 10 hours below freezing or not going below freezing at all. Those areas prone to freezes might have suffered worse than what we're seeing.
By the way, that 22 at Kenton tied for the fourth lowest temperature ever recorded on this date, next to Goodwell and Hooker's 20 degrees back in 1966. OKC and Lawton both set records as well. OKC's low of 29 degrees breaks the old record of 34 degrees back in 1966, and Lawton's 31 degrees breaks their old record of 34 degrees set back in 1917!
The freezing ain't over yet. It's still going this morning, and then a few select spots will drop below freezing yet again tonight.
Now we see a strong warm up through the weekend. Sunday's looking sweet.
Put on a coat, put on a jacket, because Mother Nature is Not. That. Innocent.
Yeah, I had to look up the lyrics.
Gary McManus State Climatologist Oklahoma Mesonet Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2253
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