Oklahoma Summary Precipitation Statistics
March 21, 1998 through June 21, 1998
Climate DivisionTotalDeparturePct of Normal
Panhandle3.61 inches-3.57 inches50 %
North Central7.47 inches-1.93 inches79 %
Northeast9.92 inches-3.36 inches75 %
West Central5.25 inches-4.26 inches55 %
Central8.68 inches-3.33 inches72 %
East Central9.32 inches-5.05 inches65 %
Southwest3.29 inches-6.80 inches33 %
South Central7.20 inches-6.14 inches54 %
Southeast9.49 inches-6.46 inches59 %
Statewide7.24 inches-4.47 inches62 %

Oklahoma Summary Precipitation Statistics
March 21, 1999 through June 21, 1999
Climate DivisionTotalDeparturePct of Normal
Panhandle10.12 inches+2.94 inches141 %
North Central15.34 inches+5.94 inches163 %
Northeast22.16 inches+8.88 inches167 %
West Central12.03 inches+2.53 inches127 %
Central14.55 inches+2.54 inches121 %
East Central18.95 inches+4.57 inches132 %
Southwest10.63 inches+0.54 inches105 %
South Central14.66 inches+1.32 inches110 %
Southeast17.90 inches+1.94 inches112 %
Statewide15.22 inches+3.51 inches130 %